Our Community Partners

We believe that living out our faith is an important part of being church.  At Faithbridge we do this through partnerships with groups that are making an impact for vulnerable populations in the lake area. Beyond small missions that happen for individuals when needed, we have strategic partnerships with Share the Harvest, The Changing Table, and the Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association. 
Mobile Food Pantry: Since 2023, the people who call Faithbridge their church home load up our Mobile Food Pantry with items from Share the Harvest, and The Changing Table, to provide food and hygiene assistance to many residence in rural Camden County. (To learn more about Share the Harvest or The Changing Table click on their names.)
Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association: Throughout the year we gather material items and financial amounts to assist them with their mission of being  a resource for foster and adoptive families. You can find their website here.