The Mission

Faithbridge aspires to cultivate a community who actively follow Jesus.

We commit our time and resources to…actively follow Jesus by loving God through acts of worship and devotion
AND loving others through acts of compassion, service and justice.


TOGETHER - We believe the mission of Faithbridge is best accomplished together. We believe we are connected to God, to God’s story, to our faith ancestors, to each other, and to the lake community. As much as it depends on us we will ensure that no one mourns alone, celebrates alone, walks alone. We need others to encourage us, challenge us, pray with and for us, serve alongside us, and hold us accountable.
GRACE - Grace comes first. Grace is the unearned love, honesty, and compassion that God freely gives and shows us in Jesus. It’s how Jesus saves us, heals us, sets us free, and increases our capacity for love. Grace trumps rules every time.
UNITY- Unity is more important than uniformity.  We can see things differently, interpret scripture differently, have different ways of perceiving the movement of the Holy Spirit, have differing political views and still have the same vision and be on the same mission together.